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Third time is the charm:) I find it diffecult at the age of sixty to wrap my head around rap:) Now, lay a little Zepplin on me with a dose of Clapton and I'm all ears. I guess I'm being a bit two faced however, because I sell a lot of stuff off my site to rappers. One of the big items is low price NFL Jerseys that these guys eat up. Probably because they are three sizes to large:) I've also have a lot of retro jerseys and t-shirts not to mention stuff from the UFC, actually, anything sports related you can wear.
Finally an organization for the sneaker lovers! Sole Mentality is a student organization at the University of Florida for sneaker enthusiasts by sneaker enthusiasts. Our goal is to provided a place for sneakerheads to come together to politic about sneakers and its culture, while doing greater good throughout the community.
All Audio/Video/Photo files on this site are for promotional/evaluation purposes only. All photos are copyrighted to their respective owners. If you'd like your audio/video/photo removed from Sole Mentality, please contact us at Sole.Mentality06@gmail.com
I tried to think so, air max 2010but i found it was not as the same in the actual process. As you mentioned, I still have doubts, air max 95but really thank you for sharing!
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Third time is the charm:) I find it diffecult at the age of sixty to wrap my head around rap:) Now, lay a little Zepplin on me with a dose of Clapton and I'm all ears. I guess I'm being a bit two faced however, because I sell a lot of stuff off my site to rappers. One of the big items is low price NFL Jerseys that these guys eat up. Probably because they are three sizes to large:) I've also have a lot of retro jerseys and t-shirts not to mention stuff from the UFC, actually, anything sports related you can wear.
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